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When is it real enough to act on?
Sometimes we glimpse the kind of love that doesn’t need all the answers. And in that moment, we know we could act on it, without regret. We know it wouldn’t matter what all the answers turned out to be. It’s not infatuation, but it feels just as captivating. And it has a foundation. We can’t see it; but on a primal level, we know there’s a connection. Don’t let fear keep you from getting your arms around it. … More
Don’t settle for less than all of you … all of love
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5 Steps to Peace …
Where are you on the path to PEACE?
1. P-retending to Be What You Are Not
2. E-goic Striving
3. A-dmitting Dissonance and Confusion
4. C-oming Clean
5. E-xperiencing Ecstasy and Oneness
Step 1 — Pretending to Be What You Are Not
•Simply conform to what’s expected
•Are pre-occupied with meeting your needs for survival
•Have resorted to merely escaping the pain of rejection
Step 2 — Egoic Striving
•Strive for more to prove your worth
•Worry about how others judge you
•Find excuses to take care of others, rather than yourself
Step 3 — Admitting Dissonance and Confusion
•Are confused about who you are
•Realize you feel disconnected
•See the humor in sitting down with a carton of ice cream
Step 4 — Coming Clean
•Choose to be your true self, regardless of
•Let go of control and risk “failure”
•Stop trying to be right and make others wrong
Step 5 — Experiencing Ecstasy and Oneness
•Feel radiant instead of flawed; look radiant instead of
•Feel connected instead of isolated or used
•Are virtually free of fear, stress, and negative emotion… More
Dear Friends: How do we experience the ultimate gratification?
It is not our capacity for love that marks us as human marvels. It is our capacity to choose between love and fear. We are gifted with choice, both the privilege and the responsibility.
When we choose love, we are also choosing to be true to ourself. And with that, we know self-verification, or self-esteem. When we choose fear, we know the stress of dissonance, or being untrue to ourself.
I’m so thankful that we get to choose again … and again, and again. There is nothing I’m more thankful for. Choosing love is the most glorious feeling we can know. And it’s such a simple way to live. Simple doesn’t mean easy, though.
There is no angel on one shoulder and devil on the other making a distinction between love and fear for us. Often we mask fear with justification, excuses, and blame. And we can’t actually choose love, without letting go of fear and all the self-defeating emotion it triggers.
We’re biologically programmed to be sensitive to what threatens us. BUT we’re spiritually programmed to be love. And love is unthreatened. We get to choose. Responding in love means responding in peace with quiet self-assurance, without any attachment to the consequences.… More
Finding your wings …
We will fall down before we soar. And when we punish our self for it, we make it tougher to try again. Let’s encourage our self, instead. Let’s squeal with delight as we learn to fly, knowing that we will. … More
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