With the holidays, we tend to feel our emotions on a deeper level. And over the Thanksgiving Day weekend, I felt more loss. During my divorce, I lost my appetite, which was enormously telling. I felt the sweetness of pain, and the peace of knowing, along with my physical response to the loss. I filtered incoming and outgoing data through the most authentic version of love I know. Still, I missed some emotions yet to surface, tears yet to fall.
I was a little surprised, a lot grateful. And I’m going to sit with my feelings some more. I’m going to feel the depth and the sanctity of what it means to be human, with the privilege and awareness of choice. I’m reminded to tune in to my feelings, with each day, each breath. And I’m going to pay special attention to what the holidays surface that I have yet to feel.
Life is way cool. I am way grateful.
And I wish you all good things in love. They are, indeed, ours to feel and live. And the holidays serve them on a silver platter. Let’s see them for what they are. GOOD.
Love smiles on you,… More